Leave Cromwell's Room
Leave the Office through the door on the right
Go to the Condominium
Knock on the landlord's door
Ask Beatrice about everything
Knock on the door of Room 102
Ask Penelope about everything
Look at the banana stand on the desk
Take the pillow from Penelope's bed
Touch List 30
Penelope's Pillow
Leave Penelope's Room
Leave the Condominium
Go to the Shopping Plaza
(must have talked to Beatrice about recent changes)
Enter the Sweet Mountain pastry shop to the right of the fountain
Make a purchase from Antoinette, the pastry chef
Sweet Dream Cake
Ask Antoinette about everything
Touch Dover, the yellow shark
Touch List 02
Dover's Skin
Ask Dover about everything
Touch the top right corner of the floor tile in front of Dover
Touch List 24
Wrinkle in Flooring
Leave the Sweet Mountain pastry shop
Touch the water in the fountain
Touch List 43
Fountain Water
Touch the large bottom stone beside the left pavement edge
Touch List 22
Stone Pavement
Enter the Naked Bones clothing boutique on the left
Ask Daisy about her dreams
Touch the serving tray on the counter to the left of Daisy
Touch List 28
Serving Tray
Look at the brown teddy bear with the silver hat on the shelf
Touch the pink dress in the window display
Touch List 27
Leave the Naked Bones clothing boutique
Leave the Shopping Plaza
Return to the Office
Enter Mackenzie's Room
Look at the brown book on the desk
Pressed Flower
Accept the Robbery Case
This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS